Thursday, August 6, 2009
ok siala brudders and sisters we are here to present to u our proposals for games for GEMS this monday and in doing so reviving this dead blog sia. yea ok so yea here's the list
1. soccer
2. captain's ball
3. dog-and-bone
4. dodgeball
5. song-singing session
6. "primary school sports' day" game
--> wedge potato/ball/whatever between the faces of 2 people and run
--> balance ping pong ball on spoon and run
--> pass soccer ball thru cones
--> spin 10 rounds and pass ball to catcher
or something like that la.
7. don't forget the lyrics
8. sprite/coke/some disgusting mixture pong (throw ping pong ball into other guy's cup, if u score, the other guy has to drink)
yea ok the list sounds quite imba but if u have any suggestions/comments/questions please post on tagboard. once we finalise the games then we can finalise the items needed so faster finalise thanks
your wonderful games I/Cs
chunkai derek binhao
1. soccer
2. captain's ball
3. dog-and-bone
4. dodgeball
5. song-singing session
6. "primary school sports' day" game
--> wedge potato/ball/whatever between the faces of 2 people and run
--> balance ping pong ball on spoon and run
--> pass soccer ball thru cones
--> spin 10 rounds and pass ball to catcher
or something like that la.
7. don't forget the lyrics
8. sprite/coke/some disgusting mixture pong (throw ping pong ball into other guy's cup, if u score, the other guy has to drink)
yea ok the list sounds quite imba but if u have any suggestions/comments/questions please post on tagboard. once we finalise the games then we can finalise the items needed so faster finalise thanks
your wonderful games I/Cs
chunkai derek binhao