Hi 09A13 students,
The remedial list is out! See below for the names (selected based on average of Lecture Test 1 and Class Test 1):
(1) Xi Ning
(2) Jiang Yue
(3) Kevin
(4) Derek
(5) Clement
(6) Wern
(7) Yi Hui
(8) Timothy
WEEKLY time schedule: Monday 3.30pm - 4.30pm at E301
First lesson is tomorrow, so be sure to practise the worksheet sent earlier.
Thank you!
K so remember to do your homework y'all. Hanqing has also just emailed me the Pokemons she drew for our class tshirt, so hopefully we can get it vectored and printed as soon as possible
Luk Wern.
I shall just post a picture for us to laugh at how AWESOME we looked on that day!
Ohya, for those who haven't touched/finished their homework
if not you'll face the teachers' wrath
OR Xining 97802388 (SEE the liuyi is not lazy anymore okay!)
For majority class please do your econs tutorial + the essay
Complete the essay, 3 paragraphs
1 intro, 1 factor for, 1 factor against
Pink lit tutorial for TTOTS
9th March Newsweek worksheet
Do ALL 5 components
Zuo wen 2
Study for class assignment (binomial and graphs)
Regarding tomorrow's outing, please meet at Harbourfront station (control station) at 11am, DO NOT BE LATE! For any queries, call Charlene (her sms explode so don't sms her) and sms/call Ethel (:
Haha we're not too sure what to do so I'm bringing a beach volleyball since there are 4 volleyball courts(someone help me bring pump can? My ball bo air) and if you want I can bring soccer ball also haha AND if you want I CAN BRING BASKETBALL ALSO ???(also got basketball court!)LOL okay then um, someone bring cards also :D and if anyone has a big big mat please bring heh :D
And also bring $3 entry fee as well as money for lunch. (:
Wet weather plans will be movie at Vivo so bring extra cash kaez.
ANNNND lastly, in case you're late, we'll be at Fort Siloso Beach 3A.
Ethel & Charlene's thoughts
(Oh but Ethel's the one bringing all the balls yeah :D)
P.S And concerning JTS on Thursday, this is Ms Kumar's address:
28 Woodlands Crescent, NorthOaks, #01-19, Singapore 738085
its a 10min walk from admiralty MRT, or u can cross the bridge at admiralty MRT and take 969 or 965 to er house, 2 bus stops only. OR 858 from Yishun mrt. =]
DEAR 09A13,
Under the orders of Ms Kumar EVERYONE, I repeat, EVERYONE must CROSSDRESS!
Guys: You can only come in SKIRTS/DRESSES/FEMALE SCHOOL UNIFORM, no pants, berms or whatnots allowed. Make up would be good too. For those who are make-up intolerant (like you'll break out with pimples and stuff), lipstick will do.
Girls: NO GIRLISH STUFF ALLOWED. You're allowed to act gay though
If you do not crossdress, you will face the JUDGEMENT OF 09A13. (Let me warn you, it's REALLYYYY SCARY)
It includes being DUNKED in the pool and also AWESOMELY SCARY forfeits that would be RECORDED and posted on YOUTUBE.
LASTLY, there would be a beauty competition XD
Please come dressed in your BEST CROSSDRESSING CLOTHES because there would competition on who is:
Ohyes, and programme for thursday night includes:
4. mugging with liuyi (but sure flop one this one)
*People currently going are edwyna, jiangyue, andrea, yuhui, xining, kevin, haojie, liuyi
(please tell jiangyue/me/haojie if you're going)
That's it XD
for class shirt, will the red group leaders please sms your group shirt sizes to the people in green asap.
[jiangyue/charlene's thoughts & liuyi]
JTS will be on Thursday at Ms Kumar's lovely house at 7pm. Charlene will be calling you people soon to confirm your attendance and whether u are staying over. We will be catering in food for BBQ-ing.
Try to make it for JTS alright!!!
- Jessie - Yuensin
- James - Yu Hui
- Meowth - Liu Yi
- Charmander - Hao Jie
- Rapidash - Zhao Feng
- Gyrados - Luk Wern
- Growlithe - Derek
- Eevee - Ethel
- Magikarp - Rick
- Rattata - Chun Kai
- Cubone - Kevin
- Jigglypuff - Edwyna
- Psyduck - Jerrold
- Flareon - Bin Hao
- Snorlax - Youjie
- Togepi - Margaux
- Ditto - Zhen Ping
- Onix - Clement
- Pidgeoto - Betrand
- Dratini - Jaime
- Alakazam - Han Qing
- Zapdos - Tim Kek
Settle your pokemon asap cos i duno if hanqing is finding the pictures online or is she drawing them out =O
Those in RED in the communication relay system, please call those under you regarding JTS and ask them for thier shirt size ASAP.
For JTS, just make sure you are free on Tuesday night. Glasshouse need to book cause we got a lot of people but we cannot get the confirmed numbers so it's quite hard to book. And the seniors want Ms Kumar's. We will confirm again and yes I'm really sorry for this confusion =/
This is the finalized class relay system with all the spelling errors and whatnots fixed.
The main change is that ethel has been changed to the leader for group 6 because it is said that charlene doesn't check her phone regularly.
Yep, so take note of that.
Other than that, everything else is more or less the same.
Must go remember your group okay!
1. Talentime this saturday, get the tickets yourself from the booth at the canteen i suppose, since most people are kinda unsure of going to the concert. Ticket priced at 6bucks.
2. Huang Chen. Yes i lost the order form but no worries, i will write in down on paper. Date: 25 (night) and 26 April (afternoon/night). Ticket priced at 14/16 bucks. Exact details refer to our lead actress.
3. LUMOS 2009. Date: 3rd April (Friday). Ticket priced at 8bucks. Should be at night, the time not stated.
4. Fac CIP. Anyway just telling you guys first, we have to sell couponsto seniors, friends from other faculties and friends from other schools. The funfair will be held on 28/3 (Saturday) at CCAB from 9am to 2pm. The coupons are being stamped with the Hwachong Logo by the Admin so you will receive them sooooooon.
I'm sure you don't wanna be in some crappy sabbatical so SIGN UP FAST AND BY 13 MARCH.
3. Class T-shirt
For those who went home to look at your poke-dex please give Haojie your desired pokemons fast so that our class T can be made fast XD
And then we'd be the coolest class in the coolest fac WOOTS.
4. Huang Cheng
Those who want tickets, please tell Haojie soon. =)
Perhaps teachers may use pokemon analogies during lessons.
"As the demand for pokemon rises, the supplies are unable to fulfil the demand, leading to a shortage of pokemon. Now let's draw a PPC" (from the pupil who doesn't take econs)
"Why would Ash yell, 'I choose you, Pikachu!' We should examine the iambic pentameter of this fascinating line. I choose YOU, PikaCHU!" (literature)
"You have caught 10 pokemon, but your belt can only hold 6 pokemon. How many pokeballs do you have to throw away?" (H1 Math)
"You have caught 10 pokemon, 5 of each gender. Defying Pokemon rules, they somehow mate and create one baby pokemon each. How many pokemon do you have now? (H2 Math)
"Draw the nude pokemon. Now discuss its artistic, social, historical symbolism." (AEP)
As students, I propose we each choose a pokemon from 1-149 (no mew and mewtwo D:) and tell Hanqing by this weekend so Lukwern and she may start working on the extremely cool class teeshirt.
List of pokemon taken (tbc):
Jessie - Yuensin
James - Yu Hui
Meowth - Liu Yi
Charmander - Hao Jie
Rapidash - Zhao Feng
Gyrados - Luk Wern
Growlithe - Derek
Eevee - Ethel
Magikarp - Rick
Rattata - Chun Kai
Cubone - Kevin
Jigglypuff - Edwyna
Psyduck - Jerrold
Flareon - Bin Hao
Snorlax - Youjie
Togepi - Margaux
Ditto - Zhen Ping
Shall I chope Alakazam. A bit overkill right.
[Hanqing][pokemon list updated by Hao Jie]
Who wants to join AMC (Australian Math Comp) please inform me and pay $10 :D
Details are
6 August 09, Thursday
30 MCQ, 75 minutes
Topics include: arithmetic, number theory, combinatorics, geometry, measurement, algebra, probability
Top students get cash or book prizes
I don't know if anyone is interested but do let me know asap if you are! It's MCQ anyway. Hm hahah.
P.S be honoured hanqing you're featured in my first post here. lol.
[zhenping (still can't believe i'm math rep hahaha)]
As hanqing has informed the class but some people ran out of the class literally so this is a repetition.
I went down to queensway today and asked for the price. it will cost 16.5 bucks if we just have the speech bubble thing at the front and a pokemon at the back (at most 2 colours for the pokemon. if need more colours den have to pay a bit more). Also, if we want to have our name printed.... it will cost 3 bucks more if we print it on the back ontop/below our pokemin..... if we want to print our names on our sleeves if will cost us 2bucks.
yep so our shirt should safely be close to 20bucks from the description i gave him.
Look at Chunkai, you can just imagine how he demolished the strudel.
In Singapore, the majority of us live in Highly Dangerous Buildings (HDB),
And most people have already got used to Paying and Paying (PAP).
Not only do you have to pay, you Pay Until Bankrupt (PUB).
If that's not enough, somebody still Purposely Wants to Dig (PWD) and get more from you.
So what more can you do when you are in the Money Only Environment (MOE)?
With the current Mad Accounting System (MAS),
you are forced to Pay the Sum Ahead (PSA),W
hich will leave some people Permanently Owing Some Banks (POSB).
And forced to live on the Loan Techniques Always (LTA) system.
When you fall sick and happen to be admitted to a Money Operating Hospital(MOH),You might be able to use your Cash Prior to Funeral (CPF) fund.
If you are out of luck, you may meet doctors who Never Use Heart (NUH) to treat you,
And you will be Sure to Give up Hope (SGH).
To help ease the traffic, motorists have to pay Cash On Expressway (COE).
If that doesn't help, they can always Eternally Raise Prices (ERP) on the roads.
If you don't own a car, you can always make a Mad Rush to the Train (MRT),
OR get squashed in a bus Side By Side (SBS).
Lastly, under all these pressures, there are not many places we can relax,
Not even the good old place we used to go because it has become
So Expensive and Nothing To See Actually (SENTOSA)!!!
One day, 4 babies were born at K.K. Hospital: a German, a Jewish, a Filipino and a Singaporean. However, someone mixed up the babies by mistake, and the nurses couldn't differentiate between them.
However, the head sister had a bright idea.
She lined the babies up in front of her and exclaimed, "Heil Hitler!"At hearing this, the German baby raised his arm in a salute, while the Jewish baby soiled his diapers. In the meantime, the Singaporean baby turned to the Filipino baby and said, "Clean that up!"
A To Z Of Kiasu Philosophy
Always must win
Borrow but never return
Cheap is good
Don't trust anyone
Everything also must grab!
Free! Free! Free!
Grab first talk later
Help yourself to everything
I first, I want, I everything
Jump queue
Keep coming back for more
Look for discount
Must not lose face
Never mind what they think
Outdo everyone you know
Pay only when necessary
Quit while you are ahead
Rushing and pushing wins the race
Sample are always welcome
Take but don't give
Unless it's free forget it
Vow to be number one
Winner takes it ALL! ALL! ALL!
Yell if necessary to get what you want
Zebras are kiasu because they want to be both black and white at the same time
If Singaporeans eat maggi mee and Indonesians eat indomee, then what do Malaysians eat?Sodomee
To make things more convenient for the people passing messages, we have come up with a relay system XD
Anyway, this relay system is totally random. Really, check out the similarities between the birthday sidebar thing and our relay system HAHA.
In times when we need responses from the class or just to simply pass messages, the PEOPLE IN RED are the group leaders.
[edited again by liuyi] [crashed by haojie] [crashed by zhaofeng]
So you guys have probably seen this earlier. I shall now show you the logo in real vector form!
And a tshirt mock-up:
At the moment colour scheme is not finalised yet, hence the design is still in B&W. Some of you also requested for a red shirt, so I'll try and come up with a nice colour combination for that. OH if we are going with the Pokemon idea, I would suggest either 1) having a white/black base with coloured Pokemons, or 2) having a red base with Pokemons in various shades of one colour. Because if you were to imagine having Mudkip on a red tshirt, it would make your eyes bleed (unless our intention is to blind everyone else with our awesomeness)
In addition to some of the ideas Hanqing has posted, you guys can visit designbyhumans.com for some fantastic graphic tshirts although it is no guarantee that we can replicate any design of that standard
As your IT rep, it is my pleasure to bring to you our IT Month of April!!1!one. There are a bunch of contests which I think we are obliged to participate in:
1) "Creative" Competition
If you are eager to win 400 bucks worth of IT stuff, you can write an essay, make a poster or film a video clip about how Hwachong is an awesome future school. If anyone is interested let me know as soon as possible and I will fill you in on the details
2) Inter-class blogging competition
Because Hwa Chong is apparently a really awesome fUtUr3 sCh0oL, we will have to spend about a month talking about it on our blog! And if we do it well enough we can win $400 worth of food vouchers.
The theme is "Reshaping Teaching & Learning @ Hwa Chong. We are the future!" (How exciting) From March 11 onwards, we shall hold intelligent forums and discussions on our blog and, I quote, "invite as many people as possible to post and comment; build up links and network with other class blogs". So I guess we're pretty much set to win this already because we have fulfilled the rest of the judging criteria, in terms of design and content
Anyway, good luck for math!
Luk Wern.
LOL Mr Lau is damn funny and cute ^^ Totally ^^ Anyway you guys should check out SMB and see the notes he uploads damn diligently they're very colourful and damn cool. For the .mht format files, he advises:
"If you have problem opening the file (in .mht
format), you could try this way: first save the file on your computer and
use internet explorer as the program to view.. Subsequently for such
files you should be able to open normally..."
Here's a list of To-Do!
Literature tutorial
GP Tutorial
Study for Math Lecture (up to hyperbola)
Read your CSE article about SEZs or else I will saboh you and niao you.
Pay $35 to Edwyna for the dinner on JC field.
Taken during math tutorial class :D Math is evil but at least Lau and Boo are nice/entertaining/[insert adjective of choice here]! Good luck with the mugging (instead of slacking like me) (:
And by the way come watch huangcheng okay! Haha. We need your support :D Self-promotion here but still, I think it will be worth watching cos so many people have been working hard for it these few months (:
Have a good rest during this weekend =) Anyway regarding JTS, we have some suggestions from some people to go to some places to do some stuff.
1) Fish and CO near Park Mall ($20+ per pax)
2) Jus Acia at Dhoby Ghaut XChange ($20+ per pax)
3) BBQ at Margaux's house with the seniors
Any other suggestions??? If not we shall choose from the three options here. The current date will be next Sunday (15th March) most probably dinner i guess. I tagged on snr class blog alr, so we shall let them check thier schedules first.
Alright that's all. For those like me who dont understand math lectures at all, good luck for the math test when weekend ends =X
Hao Jie
I think we talk through on Monday first ba, because idk if everyone is receptive to this idea.
#1. The coolest idea so far c/o Lukwern
A different pokemon for each person. In this extremely hilariously cute style. I guess the price might go up but we will be the coolest class ever.
#2. Chances are we might face copyright issues so...
A different design for everyone also, we can draw cute monsterish things like this that look like the style in the pokemon design. But we will still be damn unique (:
#3. To be more unique, Here are some tee designs.
This dude I found at Noise SG, he's called Anjo Bolardo and I really like the style and colour scheme of his design, this one in particular.
Maroon teeshirt with illustration of a bunch of cute monsters with the words, "We are one big faamily!" Personally this one is one of my favourite illustrations of all time, we can also emphasize one bit using colour.
With more relevance, "Infamous Mishaps Throught History":
You know what? As part of class spirit I propose we ALL GET A PAIR OF SHUTTER SHADES. I know where to buy from. Then we can ttly wear everywhere we go and freak out everyone. It costs around 10 bucks.
Ethel here :D
Okay so your dearest Activity Reps were thinking of 2 plans...
1) JTS next sunday! Most prolly at Jus Acia (Charlene's recommendation), which is apparently like at Dhoby Ghaut XChange, you know the other side of the Dhoby Ghaut mrt station? Budget would be around $20/pax? Hmm any other suggestions are welcomed! (:
2) Class outing during March hols! The one at Margaux's house yeah. But enthu people like Bert are already asking for earlier CT outings so what do ya'all think about next Friday?
Anyway this is a really rough idea of things so we'll discuss again when we have the time.
Meanwhile, jiayou Kevin and Zhaofeng (although you're backstage?) for Dramafeste tomorrow!
Three charismatic individuals went infront of you and shared with you thier dream to SERVE WITH PASSION and LEAD WITH COMPASSION. Let's take a look at thier inspiring speeches =)
So wasted my cam no more dian when its my turn =(
On a last note, all those who have not paid 35bucks for the Founder's Day Dinner please do so tomorrow!!! Or else Ms Kumar will fail your history test =X for those not taking history, your PW applies.
Ohoh and also, a reminder to do your LIT presentation on the Dominica thing. For details, refer to Jerrold =)
Whoo here's the class committee of 09a13! [hanqing]
CT Rep
Assistant CT Rep
Youjie (money collecting enforcer)
Birthday/Welfare Rep
Classblog Rep/IT Rep
Luk Wern
AV Rep
Cleanliness Rep 1
Bin Hao
Yuen Sin
Activities Rep 1
Chun Kai
Discipline Rep
Math Rep
Zhen Ping
Literature Rep
Economics Rep
History Rep
En Rui
Chinese Rep
Yu Hui
PW Rep
GP Rep
PE Rep
Vulgarity Control Rep
Mass Convo Rep
This is my SkyDrive for 09a13 and I uploaded the UPDATED CONTACT LIST with ms kumar's MSN and the class comm list and I'll constantly update it with documents regarding the class so if you're desperate for anything go and check it. Mr Lau's math worksheet is inside there also WHICH REMINDS ME...
Some person took my math and never return to my file! I'm not pissed off but omg it's damn hilarious someone returned to my file this half torn math worksheet with screwed up working and a few failed tictactoe games! HAHA if you are missing your math which contains the mentioned doodles tell me or else I will laminate and archive the screwed worksheet because it's damn funny!